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Operating at the Nexus of Security, Governance and Development • An owner-operated SDVOSB
Firehorse Business Advantage
A SDVOSB, owner-operated small business that is responsive and accountable to the customer; our owners are also operators, allowing substantial savings to the taxpayer. As an owner-operator, Firehorse is able to deliver the highest quality of training and service at low cost. Firehorse operates at the intersection of security, governance and development, the arena of current and future planning for DoD and the Interagency. Firehorse staff hold US security clearances and work fluidly across the development and defense sectors. Firehorse is well positioned to perform interagency training for foreign forces and at the US Military’s Combat Training Centers integrating the military, interagency and non-governmental organizations to accomplish strategic objectives. The founders are dedicated to a more stable and prosperous global community.
Examples of Past Performance
Firehorse Team assigned to Joint Force HQ, NY – Exercise Liberty Response
Exercise Liberty Response. Firehorse worked as the prime contractor for the New York National Guard training soldiers and civilian specialists in large-scale disaster response. The Firehorse team of a dozen professionals brought a mix of military, interagency and NGO expertise to create a scenario around a dirty bomb detonating in Manhattan. The scenario reinforced that violent extremists, government-backed non-state actors, and even adversarial governments could seek to attack New York not only to undermine the American way of life, but to gain the global publicity that would accompany a catastrophic event in Manhattan. Firehorse specialists coached the dual-status command and the 2nd CBRN Task Force through a series of brigade level exercises designed to integrate civilian and military assets through the tactical, operational and strategic responses required to mitigate the crisis caused by a massive terrorist attack in New York City.
Firehorse has partnered with Summit Technologies to provide interagency training expertise at Ft. Benning’s Maneuver Center of Excellence. Firehorse supports the Military Advisor Training Academy’s Combat Advisor Training Course, to train Security Force Assistance Brigades. The CATC provides prospective Army Advisors the foundational and functional skills and knowledge to operate as part of a small advisor team in an austere environment, on the edge of or outside established U.S. Government support, by, with and through Foreign Security Forces.
Erik Doman walks through Crisis Response Operations with members of the US Marine Corps’ Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force assigned to CENTCOM (Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, CA).
Firehorse recently completed a five-day Embassy Training event for 5th SFAB, JBLM
The Firehorse Team—from left, Todd Keil, Erik Doman, Amb. Tim Carney—leads a session on embassy structure for 5th SFAB students.
During the event, Firehorse presented academic classes on embassy operations, the interagency, and working jointly with DoS in Operational Environments. Team Firehorse also conducted practical exercises and embassy KLEs with the Ambassador, RSO, and the Office of Defense Cooperation. To prepare students for these exercises, Firehorse taught the integrated country strategy and discussed how SFABs might support this strategy downrange.
United Nations’ Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT)
Firehorse instructed farmers in Shan State, Mynanmar, on Global GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) to ensure smallholders could meet commercial quality standards. Linking smallholders directly to corporate buyers lifted revenue for villages in Shan State.
Firehorse supported the United Nations’ Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT) as a subcontractor in Myanmar, focusing on increasing agricultural productivity in Shan state, a region threatened by insurgency on the borders with Thailand, Laos and China. LIFT is multi-donor fund established in 2009 to improve the lives and prospects of smallholder farmers and landless people in rural Myanmar. Firehorse worked with small-holders to help farmers grow to global quality standards while pooling resources to sign contracts with large off-takers such as Pepsi. This removed historical risk factors that plague farmers by guaranteeing a purchase price prior to planting.